Karo Moilanen

Visiting Academic: Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford

[2006-2010] DPhil in Computer Science (Wolfson College). Supervisor: Prof Stephen Pulman. Thesis: Compositional Entity-level Sentiment Analysis.

Contact Details

* my_first_name dot_char my_last_name @_char theysayanalytics dot_char com

* my_first_name dot_char my_last_name @_char cs dot_char ox dot_char ac dot_char uk

Research Interests

My research interests are centered around textual sentiment analysis. In a computational context, sentiment (or emotion, affect, tone, opinion, private state, speculation, evaluation, appraisal, attitude, attitudinal meaning, bias, colouring, connotation, slanting, stance, amongst others) refers to the enormously rich subjective metacontent that lies beyond the purely objective (or factual, logical, neutral) dimensions of language.

Linguistics. The primary linguistic focus of my research is on fine-grained sentiment expressions at the word, entity, phrase, and sentence levels sentiment and affect across lexical semantics; morphology; grammar; compositional semantics; explicit, direct sentiment logic; and affective common sense.

Computational Linguistics / Natural Language Processing. My main computational goal is an exhaustive multi-level sentiment parsing and scoring framework.

At theysay.io, my work has covered, amongst others, compositional multi-level sentiment analysis, multi-dimensional emotion classification, speculation detection, intent analysis, humour detection, gender classification, political orientation classification, topic classification, ad detection, event detection, Named Entity recognition, text summarisation, and many other subareas and topics of NLP (see API documentation).


(As a first author)

Karo Moilanen, Stephen Pulman, and Yue Zhang. (2010). Packed Feelings and Ordered Sentiments: Sentiment Parsing with Quasi-compositional Polarity Sequencing and Compression. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (WASSA 2010) at the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010). August 16-20, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 36–43. PDF

Karo Moilanen and Stephen Pulman. (2009). Multi-entity Sentiment Scoring. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2009). September 14-16, Borovets, Bulgaria. pp. 258–263. PDF BIB

Karo Moilanen and Stephen Pulman. (2008). The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown: Morphosyllabic Sentiment Tagging of Unseen Words. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (ACL 2008), Short Papers. June 15-20, Columbus, Ohio. pp. 109–112. PDF BIB

Karo Moilanen and Stephen Pulman. (2007). Sentiment Composition. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2007). September 27-29, Borovets, Bulgaria. pp. 378–382. PDF

(As a co-author)

Felix Greaves, Antony A. Laverty, Daniel Ramirez Cano, Karo Moilanen, Stephen Pulman, Ara Darzi, and Christopher Millett. (2014). Tweets about hospital quality: a mixed methods study. BMJ Quality & Safety, April. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. pp. 1–9. PDF

Abby Levenberg, Stephen Pulman, Karo Moilanen, Edwin Simpson, and Stephen Roberts. (2014). Predicting Economic Indicators from Web Text Using Sentiment Composition. International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 3(2), March. IACSIT Press. pp. 109–115. PDF

Marc Cavazza, Cameron Smith, Daniel Charlton, Nigel Crook, Johan Boye, Stephen Pulman, Karo Moilanen, David Pizzi, Raul Santos de la Camara, and Markku Turunen. (2010). Persuasive Dialogue based on a Narrative Theory: An ECA Implementation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE 2010). June 7-10, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 250–261. PDF

Wojciech Gryc and Karo Moilanen. (2010). Leveraging Textual Sentiment Analysis with Social Network Modelling: Sentiment Analysis of Political Blogs in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. In Proceedings of the “From Text to Political Positions” Workshop (T2PP 2010). April 9-10, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. PDF



* Program committee member (Document Categorization, Sentiment Analysis and Topic Models Track), ACL 2014

* Reviewer (Social Media/Sentiment Track), EACL 2014

* Program committee member (Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining), EMNLP 2014

* Program committee member, KONVENS 2014

* Program committee member, WASSA 2014


* Reviewer (Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining and Text Classification Track), ACL 2013

* Reviewer (Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining Track), EMNLP 2013

* Program committee member, PATHOS 2013

* Program committee member, WASSA 2013


* Reviewer (Social Media and Sentiment Analysis Track), ACL 2012

* Reviewer (Sentiment and Text Classification Panel), COLING 2012

* Reviewer (Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining Track), EACL 2012

* Reviewer (Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining Track), EMNLP-CoNLL-2012

* Program committee member, WASSA 2012

(In the) News

* Hilary Term, 2012. Oxford-developed software provides a sentiment analysis tool for businesses, particularly finance companies.

* Hilary Term, 2011. Thesis defended and passed!

* Michaelmas Term, 2010. I am currently waiting for my final viva.

* Michaelmas Term, 2009. I worked on an NLP project at Powerset and Microsoft Search Labs as part of an internship sponsored by Microsoft Commerce Search.

* October, 2009. An emotional response. Technology Monitor, The Economist.

* May, 2009. Talking to computers. Engineering & Technology Magazine, Issue 8.

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